200/500 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Los Angeles

Yoga Teacher Training in Los Angeles, CA

Dates: To be announced!

Immerse deeply in the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga practice in this Yoga Teacher Training with yoga instructor, Caroline Klebl. This yoga certification course is registered with the Yoga Alliance and surpasses their 200 and 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training standards. Caroline Klebl offers a comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training program to yoga teachers, aspiring teachers and all levels of yoga practitioners. Her yoga teacher training combines the high standards of practice of the Ashtanga Vinyasa System with the development of teaching skills necessary to introduce students to Yoga practice safely and effectively. By learning the Ashtanga Yoga method, you can teach Vinyasa, Power and Ashtanga Yoga classes. A Yoga Teacher Training Manual will be supplied to each participant. To those who attend all scheduled classes, a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Certificate will be issued, at the end of the course. With this certificate you can register as a 200 RYT with the Yoga Alliance. Those who have already completed a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training, will receive a 200 hour Advanced Training Certificate towards 500 hour Certification and 500 RYT registration. Beginners are welcome to attend the 200 hour yoga certification program.

YTT Reading List

  • Ashtanga Yoga Book by Caroline Klebl
  • Yoga DVD by Caroline Klebl
  • Yoga Mala by Sri K Pattabhi Jois
  • Light on the Yoga Sutras by BKS Iyengar
  • Ayurveda, The Science of Self-Healing, by Dr. Vasant Lad
  • Anatomy Coloring Book by Wynn Kapit & Lawrence M. Elson

These books and DVD are available on Amazon.com

Practice Recommendation

To prepare for the yoga teacher training, please practice Yoga Asana, preferable Ashtanga Yoga, three to six times a week

Price: 200 hour YTT – $3200

If you have already completed a 200 hour course, you can complete 200 hours toward 500 hour certification, by attending this yoga teacher training.

To reserve your space, please submit the REGISTRATION FORM

and pay the $500 US deposit DEPOSIT PAYMENT

Course Location:

Lotus Warrior Studio
6111 W 5th St, Los Angeles, CA 90048

Accommodation in Los Angeles, California



training destination


to be announced


Los Angeles, California

Register now! Deposit payment

Training schedule

The yoga teacher training will take place Mondays to Thursdays. Home practice on Fridays and Sundays.

Mondays to Thursdays

8:00 - 8:30am
Morning Meditation

8:30 - 10:00am
Ashtanga Yoga (Mysore Style or Lead)

10:30am - 1:00pm
Adjustments / Teaching Techniques

1:45 - 3:00pm
Anatomy, Ayurveda & Philosophy

3:00 - 4:00pm
Restorative Asana practice

Retreat location

The Yoga Teacher Training is taking place at the Lotus Warrior Studio in West Hollywood, close to the Grove. 6111 W 5th St, Los Angeles, CA 90048